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Director, Production Designer, VFX & Animator

Thaw is a short live-action and CGI animated film, which explores the theme of loss, grief and transformation.  Direction, production design, lighting, modelling, compositing and animation using Maya, After Effects and Nuke . Edited with Premiere Pro. A ray of sunlight pierces a woman's melancholy grief, bringing hope through connection with melting ice-figures in a winter landscape.

Composite live-action and CGI models.
Live action back plate and Maya models in foreground.
Storyboard concept art.
Texturing in Mudbox.
Green screen composite shot.
Composite shot from the final film.
Composite shot from the final film.
Composite shot from the final film.
Ambient Occlusion render pass in Maya.
Composite shot from the final film.

Andrea McSwan 2023 ©

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